Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thing 14

Have previously briefly looked at Technorati, but this session gave me time to examine it in more detail. Liked the advance search option, although it was a bit off-putting getting varying results when searching Learning 2.0 using blog posts, the blog directory and tags. The tagging option proved to be more helpful than I would have first thought.

The lighter side to this task was exploring the popular blogs, searches and tags. Who would have thought that a blog with the name Boing Boing would be such a favourite! The list of top searches were also interesting, with more predictable top searches (Google, MySpace etc.) alongside the more obscure Zoey Zane.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good work. Boing Boing is a blog that keeps popping up as I read everyone's 2.0 progress - it's amazing!