Monday, December 10, 2007

Thing 23

Can't belive that I have finally finished!! Although, I will have to do a bit more homework soon, to be able to use my new MP3 player (don't know much about them).

At first this programme appeared a mammoth task - something that I would never finish in time. I got stuck on the Mashups, but once I managed to sort it out (with a lot of help from FF staff), I was on my way. I had never heard of most of the tools examined in this programme, so this has been a real eye-opener. For slowies like me, it took a lot longer than the 15 minutes a day allocated (although I did pick up the pace a little at the end).

Once I got through Technorati, I seemed to become more motivated and the work seemed more straight forward. Got a lot out of having dedicated sessions in the training room.

Will have to revise some of the work I did at a later date, as seemed to run out of time.

Glad to have at last completed it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good on ya for completing the programme, 12 weeks of fantastic learning and thumbs up for recommending sites to customers